At Liwa College, we believe in the power of education, community, and collaboration. Our mission is to create an environment that fosters growth, innovation, and meaningful connections. Whether you're an educator shaping the future, a leader building community relations, or a healthcare professional making a difference, we provide the platform for you to thrive. Join us in shaping a brighter future together.
Manager – Community Relations
About the job
Liwa College, Abu Dhabi and Al Ain Campuses:
Since 1993, Liwa College (LC) has stood as a cornerstone of higher education in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, nurturing potential and supplying the UAE labor market with skilled professionals. Today, Liwa College is dedicated to empowering all students to excel both academically and personally by providing them with the finest resources, support, and guidance available. To achieve this goal, Liwa College offers targeted programs and services meticulously designed to enhance academic progress and overall well-being. We proudly offer 24 bachelor’s and diploma programs across our 4 faculties: Faculty of Media and Public Relations, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Faculty of Business, Faculty of Engineering and Computing.
Position Summary
The Manager - Community Relations develops and expands relationships with community leaders and media representatives as well as an ability to foster positive relationships with individuals and organizations. The community relations manager will be the principal ambassador for the College, addressing internal audiences and the public to share the College’s vision and plans for achieving it.
Duties & Responsibilities
- Organize community outreach programs and coordinate special events that promote products, services, and ideas of the College.
- Convey the College’s mission, vision, and values to the community by acting as the primary spokesperson and presenting our projects and initiatives to community leaders.
- Identify segments that align with the college's mission, programs, and areas of need.
- Draft and distribute communications that promote the College as well as individuals and groups within it.
- Attend relevant events and activities to represent the College and build strong relationships with key community members.
- Build and strengthen ties with community members, leaders, organizations, and other important individuals.
- Respond to inquiries from community members and other parties and recruit knowledgeable spokespeople or information sources for assistance when needed.
- Build and promote cross-functional relationships within the College.
- Plan, coordinate, and execute public press conferences, working with third-party PR agencies when necessary.
- Provide support to teams in implementing programs.
- Analyze existing engagement: Assess current methods, events, and communication channels to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
- Assess whether engagement efforts are meeting the strategy's objectives and propose ideas for improvement.
- Propose amendments to the strategy based on insights gained from measurement and feedback.
- Develop opportunities for partnerships, sponsorships, and advertising on an ongoing basis.
- Collaborate with the marketing and student affairs department in establishing a schedule: Plan regular interactions and events to maintain consistent engagement.
- Foster long-term sustainability of the community.
- Identify potential partners and establish contact.
- Explore opportunities for co-developing projects or initiatives that align with the organization's needs and the college's curriculum.
- Develop ongoing relationships with community organizations by continuing to collaborate on new projects and initiatives.
- Collaborate with College departments in creating a comprehensive plan for engaging alumni.
Assistant Professor in Occupational Therapy
Job Summary
The Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences at Liwa College is inviting applications for two positions of Assistant Professor in Occupational Therapy. The successful candidates are expected to start in September 2025.
Selected candidates will teach both theoretical and practical courses in the Occupational Therapy Program. The candidates must be highly self-motivated to achieve the mission of the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences in the areas of research, education, community services, and social responsibility.
The successful candidates will:
- Participate in teaching theoretical and practical courses in the field of Occupational Therapy.
- Assist in the continued development and promotion of the Occupational Therapy Program.
- Mentor and supervise the research work of students.
The successful candidates must possess a notable track record of teaching and research and demonstrate evidence of active and consistent contributions to their field. The candidates should have a record of internationally recognized and peer-reviewed publications.
Minimum qualifications include:
- A PhD holder in Occupational Therapy (or equivalent).
- Fluency in spoken and written English.
How to apply
Applications should be submitted to the following email:
Applications must include:
- Cover letter describing qualifications and interest in the position.
- Updated CV, including:
- Links to the candidate’s profiles in ORCID, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, etc.
- The names and contact information of at least three professional references.
- Three of the candidates’ recent research papers published in Scopus-indexed journals.
- Copies of degrees along with transcripts (official certified transcripts will be requested if an offer of employment is made).
To apply, please click here for available vacancies
مدير - العلاقات المجتمعية
عن الوظيفة
كلية ليوا، فروع أبوظبي والعين:
منذ عام 1993، كانت كلية ليوا حجر الزاوية في التعليم العالي في إمارة أبوظبي، حيث قامت برعاية المواهب وتزويد سوق العمل الإماراتي بالمهنيين المهرة. اليوم، تلتزم كلية ليوا بتمكين جميع الطلاب من التفوق أكاديمياً وشخصياً من خلال توفير أفضل الموارد والدعم والإرشاد المتاح. لتحقيق هذا الهدف، تقدم الكلية برامج وخدمات مصممة خصيصاً لتعزيز التقدم الأكاديمي والرفاهية العامة. نقدم بفخر 24 برنامج بكالوريوس ودبلوم عبر أربع كليات: كلية الإعلام والعلاقات العامة، كلية العلوم الطبية والصحية، كلية الأعمال، وكلية الهندسة والحوسبة.
ملخص الوظيفة
يقوم مدير العلاقات المجتمعية بتطوير وتوسيع العلاقات مع قادة المجتمع وممثلي وسائل الإعلام، بالإضافة إلى تعزيز العلاقات الإيجابية مع الأفراد والمنظمات. سيكون مدير العلاقات المجتمعية بمثابة السفير الرئيسي للكلية، حيث يخاطب الجماهير الداخلية والجمهور لنقل رؤية الكلية وخططها لتحقيقها.
المهام والمسؤوليات
- (جميع المهام والمسؤوليات مترجمة بنفس الترتيب الوارد أعلاه) *
أستاذ مساعد في العلاج الوظيفي
ملخص الوظيفة
تدعو كلية العلوم الطبية والصحية في كلية ليوا لتقديم الطلبات لشغل منصبين كأستاذ مساعد في العلاج الوظيفي. من المتوقع أن يبدأ المرشحون الناجحون العمل في سبتمبر 2025.
المهام والمسؤوليات
- (ترجمة المهام والمسؤوليات بنفس الترتيب) *
- (ترجمة المتطلبات بنفس الترتيب) *
كيفية التقديم
يجب إرسال الطلبات إلى البريد الإلكتروني التالي:
يجب أن تتضمن الطلبات:
- (تفاصيل المستندات المطلوبة مترجمة كما وردت أعلاه) *